Saturday, 6 August 2011

too small to make a difference?

‘If you think you are too small to make a difference, try spending the night in a closed room with a mosquito’. (African saying)

Some wonder why God created mosquitoes but maybe it was for this reason??

Nearly six weeks since we left home and we have not had time to feel bored or homesick or think too much about ice-cream or chocolate!

We are enjoying working here with Terry while Mary (the manager) enjoys a well-earned holiday. At present we have a young English visitor staying with us for two weeks. Among other things she wants to help some of the children with Maths.

Last Sunday the Youth took the whole service at church and by all accounts did really well. We can see an amazing difference in some of the Youth since our last visit.

Ian and I were at Oyugis during the service, getting a very ill HIV+ young woman admitted to the District Hospital. The Government provides the facilities and staff at the hospital but treatment still to be paid for. We were impressed with the speed at which she was dealt with but when we got to the ward we saw two cats strolling about! They may be there to keep the vermin down? The other day when we spoke to her brother he reported that there is now another patient sharing her bed!! Be thankful for our NHS! She has malaria and typhoid but despite the conditions she is a now a lot better.

I have begun to collect information about the hospitals and clinics in the area so that we will know where to take people with different conditions and the costs involved.

Hope & Kindness is buying some more adjoining land to help with the expansion of the school. The family who own this land may also be interested in selling us an even bigger extent of land which would also meet the needs of the proposed agricultural college – please pray that if this is right we will be able to agree a deal with them quickly. Terry is also making arrangements with a contractor to build the extra classrooms we need to give us a complete primary and nursery school and also a visitor centre, and Ian will have some involvement in this.

Later in August we hope to go to Kisumu for 3 days and get to know it a bit better while having a break. Kisumu is 2 hours drive from here and beside Lake Victoria.

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