Sunday 3 June 2012

Back to Kosele

Hard to believe but this is actually our sixth trip to Kenya. Each time we’ve travelled the same route – by KLM via Amsterdam – this has proven to be the cheapest and easiest way from Glasgow to Nairobi. We prefer travelling by day but this means a very early start to catch the 0600 Glasgow-Amsterdam flight. Arriving at Nairobi Airport we had the quickest ever passage through Passport Control – found a short queue and the official accepted our multi-trip visas, even though they were in our old passports, so we didn’t have anything to pay. Minor scare while we waited for our luggage – we got 3 bags very quickly off the carousel but took ages to find where they had put our other one. Our friend Sam met us at the exit and we were soon at his guest house.

Wednesday’s objective was to go into central Nairobi to get our Work Permits stamped in our passports. After the bomb in a shopping centre in central Nairobi on Monday we were more aware of the security situation, so we didn’t hang about too long. Reuben, one of the national Elim church leaders, met us and guided us through this last stage.

On Thursday morning we took an early flight to Kisumu and were met at the airport by Dancun. The only other part of the immigration jigsaw was, we thought, to collect our “Alien Cards” from the Kisumu Immigration office. This was achieved very quickly, but when we looked at the cards in detail we saw that they had already expired! The frustrations of Kenyan bureaucracy! Nothing else we could do but apply for renewal, which involved getting our fingerprints taken again, and we go back in a few months to collect the cards. Then we can officially be Aliens!

Spending 2 and a half days travelling and dealing with officialdom is well compensated by arriving at last at Kosele and being welcomed by the schoolchildren, staff and church leaders. It’s good to see them all again. Such a good welcome even though we’ve only been away 3 months. Since Thursday we’ve been resting, getting unpacked, sorting out our room, shopping, and renewing acquaintances with people here and in the church.

One of the good things about the weather here is that when it rains, it usually rains at night or in the evening, so that is what we’re experiencing just now. Next week we’ll start to get back into our routine again – we’ll be having a meeting with Kennedy and Dorine and with all the church leaders and preparing for another Encounter which may be held on 12th and 13th June. After that we look forward to meeting David and Yvonne on the 14th June as they make their first visit to Kenya.

1 comment:

  1. heeeellllooooooo my internet connection seems to come and go haha anyhoo how are you doing
