Thursday 5 July 2012

Update 5 July

David and Yvonne are now home again, after a long journey, with both the Kisumu-Nairobi and Nairobi-Amsterdam flights being delayed. They didn’t take home much in the way of suntans, but just lots of photos and video footage, many happy memories and some great experiences of Africa. On the way home they stopped off to see Lake Victoria and visited the craft market in Kisumu, where Yvonne displayed her new skills in haggling – making big savings on the top prices the traders started off by asking for.

David had spent some time training and coaching our older boys for football, and a friendly match against another school was arranged. However, in true Kenyan fashion, it was to take place the day after David left for home. However the boys did David proud – actually playing 2 matches and winning both - on penalties!

Since they left, the visitor centre has filled up again with 4 teenagers from England who are here for 2-3 weeks. They are all working with the schoolchildren – taking art, sports and giving maths tuition. It seems like they will have a good time here.

With our own visitors away we have got back into our main role here, working with the church leaders. We all met last Sunday with the 8 people who did the “Encounter” in early June, to get feedback from them. We are so encouraged – they were all so positive about the Encounter itself and the changes it brought to their lives. We could see it in their faces! They each testified about the new freedom, lightness in spirit and closer walk with God they are experiencing. The church leaders feel that even these few people being changed has improved the atmosphere in the church and the joy in worship. This gives us confidence as we plan the next Encounter and hopefully also a Youth Encounter during the school holidays in August.

We’ve also been doing some strategic planning with Kennedy and Dorine regarding their respective roles in the church and the potential for expanding their responsibilities. We continue to be impressed and inspired by these two people, by their humility and dedication and their commitment to serve God here in Kosele. This church has come through many trials but we are all filled with hope for what God is going to do here over the next few years.

We’re also jointly on Facebook now (Ian N Hilda McMillan) – made possible by the improving network connections here in the middle of Africa – so another way to keep in touch with home!

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